by Boris Mahovac | Jul 1, 2008 | E-newsletter Publishing, Email Delivery Best Practices, Email List Building, Email Marketing, Email Service Providers
You can avoid being labelled as a spammer if you ask yourself the following questions: Do I Have Permission to Send Email? On your web site, collect visitors’ email address and first name, in exchange for a free report (white paper/worksheet/check list/Q&A/10 Top...
by Boris Mahovac | Jun 30, 2008 | Branding for Small Business, E-newsletter Publishing, Email Design, Email Marketing, Small Business Marketing, Web Site Development
Don’t copy what others are doing. Try to find your own style, your own voice. Again, you’re creating a relationship with your audience, and how can you do that if you’re copying someone else’s style? The only way you can create that...
by Boris Mahovac | Jun 27, 2008 | Driving Traffic to Your site, E-newsletter Publishing, Email Delivery Best Practices, Email List Building, Email List Management, Email Marketing, Small Business Marketing
Don’t buy or rent email lists, unless you know 110% that the company who offers such lists is kosher. If anyone offers you a list of 1 million emails for $99, or whatever price, run like crazy from them. Same applies to joining online list services, such...
by Boris Mahovac | Jun 23, 2008 | Testimonials
I forwarded a copy of your last e-zine to my client where you reviewed 4 [Email Service Providers] along with your assessment of iContact. I also recommended that they also sign up for your e-zine which has some great content every issue. Thanks again for taking a...
by Boris Mahovac | Jun 11, 2008 | Tele-seminars
Tomorrow night I will be interviewed by AnaMaria Herrera for a free tele-seminar on email marketing. AnaMaria is an Emotional Freedom Technique practitioner from Santa Barbara, California, and although the tele-seminar is intended for her fellow EFT practitioners, you...
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