Email Marketing Basics: Don’t Use Your PC to Send Email “Blasts”

Programs such as Outlook, Eudora, Thunderbird or online email services such as Yahoo, or Hotmail are not to be used. They may be free to use, but will not give you all the options you might like to have, and besides, may also be unlawful, depending on your country’s...

5 Reasons Why You Should Have a Blog

  The word “blog” itself comes from “web log”, so “blog” for short. Ever since Google acquired Blogger in 2003, this medium has been on the rise. Today even companies such as General Motors run blogs. Here are five reasons why you should have a blog for your small...

Reluctantly into Entrepreneurism

  Things have been a bit crazy here at since my wife reluctantly decided to try on the entrepreneurial hat for size. We now share “my” office and I can tell you, it’s working out quite nicely – better than I expected, to be frank 🙂 After less...

Are You Spying on Your Subscribers?

Does your Email service Provider (ESP) provide you with reports on your email campaigns? Do you track your email opens? Can you see who and when opened your emails, clicked on which links, unsubscribed from your list, reported it as spam, etc? If you answered yes,...